I AM All for learnINg about our Humanity by observINg the laws of Nature (for WE are not separate from Nature).
HAVING SAID THAT - IN the physiological Birth World I often see Women BEINg compared to Cows (for example), IN terms of how their Body’s are designed to Birth.
ComparINg Human physiological Birth, to other Mammalian physiological Birth while BEneficial, IN terms of (re)NaturalizINg and REWILDING it, IS IN many ways … INaccurate.
Let me start of by sayINg that,
All Mammals, except for what are referred to as “Higher primates” (like Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Orangutangs for example) experience estrous cycles.
Estrus, commonly referred to and Known as HEAT, IS the period of pro-receptivity, receptivity and attractivity IN Female Mammals that usually coINcides with their period of fertility. Female Humans do not experience estrus. WE experience MENSES (due to the sheddINg of the endometrial lININg of the uterus). And WE have menstrual cycles.
Just like the menstrual cycle, the estrous cycle has its own INtelligence and IS INitiated through a sequence of events — physiologically, BIOlogically and BEhaviorally. The cycle IS divided INto four parts: proestrus, estrus, metestrus and diestrus, for those of you who are curious.
ThIS, IN and of itSelf, reveals that Humans have a unique Hormonal matrix.
Hormones play a critical role IN the regulation of physiological processes BEcause of the target cell responses they regulate.
Needless to say, the hormones that regulate the physiological processes of Human Birth are differentiated (however, not disconnected) from the hormones that regulate physiological Birth processes of our Mammalian relatives.
Furthermore —
Unlike our Mammalian relatives whose fetal growth predomINantly happens IN utero (IN the Womb), Humans postpone much of the fetal growth to the postpartum period.
Unlike our Mammalian relatives that are quadrupedal, primarily movINg on All fours, Humans are bipedal Creatures, walkINg predominantly on two legs. ThIS bipedalism leads to a distINct structure of the pelvic diaphragm IN Humans.
The Truth IS that a Woman’s Birth canal IS notably narrower compared to that of most quadruped Mammals. IN our Mammalian relatives, the structure of their pelvic diaphragms IS conducive to supportINg a full-term gestation period IN utero, for their offsprINg, IN contrast to the structure of a Human Woman’s pelvic diaphragm (which IS adapted for upright walkINg).
Most of our Mammalian relatives are precocial (Born relatively mature and mobile).
When a Fawn IS Born, for example, withIN 10 - 20 mINutes She IS able to stand. She simply has to get up and learn to follow Her MotHER. ThIS (almost) immediate capacity for action IS a trait shared by many of our Mammalian relatives.
Human INfants do not possess the same ability and capacity for thIS action.
While Human offsprINg are mostly precocial, they are also altricial (requirINg significant Parental care) IN comparison to many of their (precocial) Mammalian relatives.
Human Babies are Born early out of anatomical and physiological necessity.
It IS said that IN relation to their state of development, a Human Baby should ideally stay INside the Womb for 21 months, rather than 9 BEfore BEINg Born (however, thIS would pose a lot of complications for both the MotHER and Baby).
ThIS IS proof that PHYSIOLOGIC POSTPARTUM IS MUCH LONGER THAN 40 DAYS and IS IN fact, on a Spiritual and physiological level, 12 months (even though — it’s Truly, forever).
As stated by Dr. Ashley Montagu the relationship BEtween a MotHER and Her Baby IS “Naturally designed to BEcome even more INtensive and INteroperative after Birth” than while the Baby IS gestatINg and growINg IN the Womb.
ProvidINg care for the newBorn that closely echoes the INtimacy and INcubation experienced IN utero IS vital. ThIS approach of external gestation IS essential until the Baby's developmental journey outside the Womb reaches completion, offerINg an optimal opportUNITY for the optimizINg of their still-developINg systems.
Exterogestation BEcomes and IS the physiologic function of compensatINg care by the MotHER to ensure both the survival and thrival of Her Baby.
THerefore, Maternal proximity IS a PRIMAL PRIORITY.
Ultimately a Child’s survival IS the most dependent on Her, on a very fundamental level.
From conception … from birth, MAMA IS LIFE.
From conception and WELL INto postpartum WE experience Mama as synonymous with and INseparable from Life itSelf.
To a completely dependent INfant — Mama IS food, Mama IS nourishment, Mama IS safety, Mama IS Breath, Mama IS Home, Mama IS SELF. Mom IS protection. Mom IS a regulated nervous system. Mom IS preservation.
Mama and Baby’s entire existence IS INtertwINed.
The blueprINt of our physiology has BEen INtricately shaped by the Way of Life of our hunter-gatherer Ancestors.
IN those times, INfants WEre constantly IN close proximity to their MotHERs, either BEINg held by them or withIN arm's reach. Millennia of thIS practise and ultimately patternINg, has encoded IN newBorns an INnate expectation of contINual Maternal proximity, akIN to BEINg IN the Womb. Naturally MotHER’s are also predisposed to prioritize, protect and preserve thIS proximity.
What thIS reveals IS an immutable physiological Truth: the survival of Human offsprINg has always hINged on their BEINg nurtured IN the protective and preservative embrace of their MotHERs. The vulnerability and developmentally nascent state of Human INfants at Birth has always necessitated (and always Will) thIS constant Maternal Presence. Our species' contINuity would have BEen / BE at HIGH risk if these young BEINgs WEre left isolated or apart from their MotHERs for long periods.
Despite these clear INdicators of an INfant's dependence, tHere IS a cultural lack of acKnowledgment, awareness and care regardINg the True extent of a newBorn's physiological and neurobiological underdevelopment. The INHERent need for constant care that characterizes early Human Life IS not respected and revered.
How many times have you seen a MotHER BE shamed and / or guilted for maINtaININg proximity to Her Baby?
How many times have you seen a MotHER BE told She Will “spoil” Her Child if She holds Him or Her “too much”?
How many times have you seen a MotHER BE reprimanded for BEINg “too attached” to Her Baby?
WE have aaaaaaa lot of work to do as INdividuals and a collective if WE equate the prioritization, protection and preservation of Maternal proximity to WRONGNESS.
IN Her book, “The Continuum Concept”, anthropologist Jean Leidloff explains:
“A Baby deprived of the experience necessary to give Him the basis for full FlowerINg of His INnate potential Will perhaps never Know a moment of the unconditional rightness that has BEen Natural to His kINd for 99.99% of its History. Deprivation, IN the degree to which He has suffered its discomfort and limitations IN INfancy, Will BE maINtaINed INdiscriminately as part of His development.”
Modern parentINg and Child “care” practices, often characterized by separation of the INfant from the Parents (especially the MotHER), lack of constant co-regulation (through close contact), and limited attunement and tHerefore responsiveness to the Baby’s needs, are at odds with these physiological requirements.
Dr. Joseph Pearce, the author of “Magical Child” states that the Womb IS: “a Source of possibility, a Source of energy to explore that possibility, and a safe place withIN which that possibility can take place.”
The closer the external environment to the INternal environment the more energy a Baby can allocate towards THRIVAL, rather than mere survival.
When a Baby’s physiological need for Maternal proximity IS met IN a manner reminiscent of their prenatal experience they are less focused on avoidINg Death, and more focused on affirmINg Life.
The developmental trajectory of an INfant IS deeply INfluenced by how closely their external environment mimics the INternal environment and ECOsystem from which they emerged INto the World.
ThIS IS why it’s vital to Create and cultivate an external environment that IS a contINuity or extension of the Womb, the INternal environment to which the INfant has BEcome and IS accustomed.
The experience necessary to give a Child the basis for full FlowerINg of their INnate potential IS the maINtenance of Maternal proximity (especially IN the 12 months post-Birth).
WE enable, promote and support a Child’s INnate physiologic potential not by makINg them work for connection and care, but by lettINg them REST IN it.
If you INjoyed thIS musINg — BE sure to tap INto these as WELL:
The Quintessential Roles of The MotHER
Birth Pain IS Purposeful Not Pathological
Birth Pain IS Purposeful Not Pathological
Guardians of Life: Every Woman's Legacy as a MidWife
Guardians of Life: Every Woman's Legacy as a MidWife
Maiden's Glimmer, MotHER's GLOW
Maiden's Glimmer, MotHER's GLOW
The Pelvic Diaphragm
Placenta Consumption
Each note I share IS but a sINgle thread IN thIS INtricate tapestry WE're WEavINg together. While my HeART fINds solace IN expressINg, it leaps with anticipation at the prospect of recievINg your resonant expression, Voice and note, which IS vital for the Harmony of the collective Choir of Creation. I INvite and INspire you to share yourSelf IN the comments, so that WE may co-Create a contINual SYMPHONY OF SYNARCHY.
God Bless you, BELoved.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Such an informative read sister. Important to differentiate between us as a the unique and specific species we are.
This is so beautiful Anja! I am so excited to dive into all of your recent divine transmissions. What you are sharing here IS fully part of the restoration of our Primal Blueprint, the Integration of our Wholeness in a way that will reveal the thriving of our species. I LOVE all that you have shared here and fully FEEL the truth of what you are bringing forward. I was a nanny for 17 years, honorably serving and supporting amazing children for long stretches of their young lives. Potent medicine for me, as well as a full activation of my innate knowing about HOW to BE with children. I also had powerful experiences in my Social Work studies SEEING the many ways children's Wholeness is fractured. I feel DEEPLY that I am HERE to MOTHER and steward our species INTO the integrated Wholeness of our beautiful innate Embodied Reception by being an Earth Mystic. Thank YOU for sharing your medicine, listening with your GIVING, and inviting US to weave with you. Your writing is deep confirmation.