So many very important points made in a beautiful and compassionate way.
I have been observing this trend for years now without being able to put my uneasiness towards it in words.
I have not allowed anyone to share anything of my child since the day he was born, not my husband nor either set of grandparents (to my MIL's horror). I wish I had read this article when I first enforced this as I would have been able to articulate my feelings and concerns better and perhaps would have caused less upsets. But reading this now has also provided great affirmation for my actions - thank you.
Mia, thank you so much for thIS thoughtful comment. I really felt your HeART IN thIS share. I AM Grateful to Know that these Words resonated and felt like a soft landINg for you. It’s encouragINg to hear that thIS piece provided affirmation for your actions. It sounds like you've made very INtentional Choices about your Child’s digital footprINt — and I celebrate you IN that! I Know how much courage that requires, given how normalized it’s BEcome and IS. As I alWays say … just BEcause it’s normal — it doesn’t mean it’s Natural.
NavigatINg Family dynamics withIN a digitized context IS challengINg and Truthfully … still quite novel. WE are All learnINg how to meet these aspects of our Humanity — INdividually and collectively — and its conversations such as these that have a catalytic effect on the culture. It's heartenINg to Know that what I have shared Here can Serve as a reSource for you, and other MotHERs IN these discussions. I Will certaINly BE havINg and holdINg thIS conversation with my entire Family when the time comes. If and when boundaries are not clearly and confidently established — they cannot and Will not BE respected. A MotHERs primary role and responsibility IS to protect and preServe Her Child. That IS Her priority. Boundaries and “drawINg lINes IN the sand” are a vital aspect and element of said protection and preServation!
I AM Honored to have you Here and I look forward to deepenINg our connection — God Bless!
I just shared thIS more elaborate response on another post of mINe that I Will share with you Here:
I’ve BEen told by some that takes some gettINg used to, for those who read what I write and have also BEen subjected to a lot of outright hatred from people, so I thank you for your Graceful and HeART forward approach and curiosity. I AM still learnINg how to conceptualize and communicate thIS to people, Truthfully.
About 5+ years ago Now I got really INspired to explore lINguistics (the study of language) and etymology (the study of Words) on a very deep level. Through these explorations, my BraIN started to see Words DIFFERENTLY. How I write IS my Way of ATTEMPTING to capture how I see Words and drawINg others awareness IN on.
I capitalize certaIN letters to show / reveal the story that Words tell, to signify the importance or timelessness of certaIN Words (for example: God, Eternity, Heaven, God’s attributes and core characteristics), to accentuate a certaIN aspect of a Word (for example: BEaUtiful — BE YOU, an image-BEarer — which IS what makes you BEaUtiful or immUNITY — to BE immune IS to have UNITY withIN your system), to Honor the INHERent aLiveness, dignity and value of somethINg / someOne withIN the assembly of Creation (Apple, Tree, Lion, Fetus, Man), to symbolize the necessity of the elements (for example: Water, Fire, Air, EARTh) and to HighLight the sentient and sympathetic Nature of our BIOlogic design (Breasts, Breath, Womb, Liver, to symbolize that every person comes from a Woman (MotHER, DaugHtER, BrotHER, FatHER, INHERitance, HERitage). These are just some conceptualizations (as thIS practise of mINe IS still takINg form and shape).
For example: I capitalize the Word, Word, BEcause the Word IS LivINg. What you declare, IS what IS. That IS, WE All have the Power to speak both Life and Death INto existence. Our Words do not turn void.
From the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗯𝘀 𝟭𝟴:𝟮𝟬-𝟮𝟭
“For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘄 𝟭𝟮:𝟯𝟳
The Word IS at the core of Creation.
Every Word that WE speak IS a code of consciousness, IS a script of Creation. A blueprINt of Creation.
Which IS why it’s so important to dWELL IN His Word, so that our Word can BE IN attunement, alignment and accordance with His!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝟭:𝟭-𝟱
For example: I capitalize the Word BE, BEcause WE Live IN a World that pedestalizes the doINg, and it’s important to emphasize just how important BEINg IS. To BE IN your Body, which IS a Temple of the Holy Spirit. To BE IN your Body, IS to BE fully Present.
-INg signifies a VERB. An action. A CHOICE. You have to BE IN your Soma and Spirit IN order to ACT and Choose, IN attunement, alignment and accordance with God’s Word, Law and Will!
Perhaps thIS Will give you a BEtter INnerstandINg (if WE are understandINg somethINg, WE are effectively standINg under it) of my writINg style.
At the very least, I Trust that my writINg style INvites people to slow down and BE more Present with and immersed IN the Words.
So many very important points made in a beautiful and compassionate way.
I have been observing this trend for years now without being able to put my uneasiness towards it in words.
I have not allowed anyone to share anything of my child since the day he was born, not my husband nor either set of grandparents (to my MIL's horror). I wish I had read this article when I first enforced this as I would have been able to articulate my feelings and concerns better and perhaps would have caused less upsets. But reading this now has also provided great affirmation for my actions - thank you.
Mia, thank you so much for thIS thoughtful comment. I really felt your HeART IN thIS share. I AM Grateful to Know that these Words resonated and felt like a soft landINg for you. It’s encouragINg to hear that thIS piece provided affirmation for your actions. It sounds like you've made very INtentional Choices about your Child’s digital footprINt — and I celebrate you IN that! I Know how much courage that requires, given how normalized it’s BEcome and IS. As I alWays say … just BEcause it’s normal — it doesn’t mean it’s Natural.
NavigatINg Family dynamics withIN a digitized context IS challengINg and Truthfully … still quite novel. WE are All learnINg how to meet these aspects of our Humanity — INdividually and collectively — and its conversations such as these that have a catalytic effect on the culture. It's heartenINg to Know that what I have shared Here can Serve as a reSource for you, and other MotHERs IN these discussions. I Will certaINly BE havINg and holdINg thIS conversation with my entire Family when the time comes. If and when boundaries are not clearly and confidently established — they cannot and Will not BE respected. A MotHERs primary role and responsibility IS to protect and preServe Her Child. That IS Her priority. Boundaries and “drawINg lINes IN the sand” are a vital aspect and element of said protection and preServation!
I AM Honored to have you Here and I look forward to deepenINg our connection — God Bless!
Thanks for sharing this. This article is very relevant in today’s culture.
Could you explain your use of capital letters in the middle of words emphasizing the letters IN?
Hi Larissa! Yes, I AM happy to share.
I just shared thIS more elaborate response on another post of mINe that I Will share with you Here:
I’ve BEen told by some that takes some gettINg used to, for those who read what I write and have also BEen subjected to a lot of outright hatred from people, so I thank you for your Graceful and HeART forward approach and curiosity. I AM still learnINg how to conceptualize and communicate thIS to people, Truthfully.
About 5+ years ago Now I got really INspired to explore lINguistics (the study of language) and etymology (the study of Words) on a very deep level. Through these explorations, my BraIN started to see Words DIFFERENTLY. How I write IS my Way of ATTEMPTING to capture how I see Words and drawINg others awareness IN on.
I capitalize certaIN letters to show / reveal the story that Words tell, to signify the importance or timelessness of certaIN Words (for example: God, Eternity, Heaven, God’s attributes and core characteristics), to accentuate a certaIN aspect of a Word (for example: BEaUtiful — BE YOU, an image-BEarer — which IS what makes you BEaUtiful or immUNITY — to BE immune IS to have UNITY withIN your system), to Honor the INHERent aLiveness, dignity and value of somethINg / someOne withIN the assembly of Creation (Apple, Tree, Lion, Fetus, Man), to symbolize the necessity of the elements (for example: Water, Fire, Air, EARTh) and to HighLight the sentient and sympathetic Nature of our BIOlogic design (Breasts, Breath, Womb, Liver, to symbolize that every person comes from a Woman (MotHER, DaugHtER, BrotHER, FatHER, INHERitance, HERitage). These are just some conceptualizations (as thIS practise of mINe IS still takINg form and shape).
For example: I capitalize the Word, Word, BEcause the Word IS LivINg. What you declare, IS what IS. That IS, WE All have the Power to speak both Life and Death INto existence. Our Words do not turn void.
From the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗯𝘀 𝟭𝟴:𝟮𝟬-𝟮𝟭
“For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘄 𝟭𝟮:𝟯𝟳
The Word IS at the core of Creation.
Every Word that WE speak IS a code of consciousness, IS a script of Creation. A blueprINt of Creation.
Which IS why it’s so important to dWELL IN His Word, so that our Word can BE IN attunement, alignment and accordance with His!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝟭:𝟭-𝟱
For example: I capitalize the Word BE, BEcause WE Live IN a World that pedestalizes the doINg, and it’s important to emphasize just how important BEINg IS. To BE IN your Body, which IS a Temple of the Holy Spirit. To BE IN your Body, IS to BE fully Present.
-INg signifies a VERB. An action. A CHOICE. You have to BE IN your Soma and Spirit IN order to ACT and Choose, IN attunement, alignment and accordance with God’s Word, Law and Will!
Perhaps thIS Will give you a BEtter INnerstandINg (if WE are understandINg somethINg, WE are effectively standINg under it) of my writINg style.
At the very least, I Trust that my writINg style INvites people to slow down and BE more Present with and immersed IN the Words.
Thank you for recievINg me! God Bless you! 🤍
Thank you Anja, I understand now. Very interesting, what a gift you have! God bless you. 💕
Thank you so much for recievINg Larissa 🤍 All Glory to God!