Jul 27Liked by Anja Smoliak


So many very important points made in a beautiful and compassionate way.

I have been observing this trend for years now without being able to put my uneasiness towards it in words.

I have not allowed anyone to share anything of my child since the day he was born, not my husband nor either set of grandparents (to my MIL's horror). I wish I had read this article when I first enforced this as I would have been able to articulate my feelings and concerns better and perhaps would have caused less upsets. But reading this now has also provided great affirmation for my actions - thank you.

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Mia, thank you so much for thIS thoughtful comment. I really felt your HeART IN thIS share. I AM Grateful to Know that these Words resonated and felt like a soft landINg for you. It’s encouragINg to hear that thIS piece provided affirmation for your actions. It sounds like you've made very INtentional Choices about your Child’s digital footprINt — and I celebrate you IN that! I Know how much courage that requires, given how normalized it’s BEcome and IS. As I alWays say … just BEcause it’s normal — it doesn’t mean it’s Natural.

NavigatINg Family dynamics withIN a digitized context IS challengINg and Truthfully … still quite novel. WE are All learnINg how to meet these aspects of our Humanity — INdividually and collectively — and its conversations such as these that have a catalytic effect on the culture. It's heartenINg to Know that what I have shared Here can Serve as a reSource for you, and other MotHERs IN these discussions. I Will certaINly BE havINg and holdINg thIS conversation with my entire Family when the time comes. If and when boundaries are not clearly and confidently established — they cannot and Will not BE respected. A MotHERs primary role and responsibility IS to protect and preServe Her Child. That IS Her priority. Boundaries and “drawINg lINes IN the sand” are a vital aspect and element of said protection and preServation!

I AM Honored to have you Here and I look forward to deepenINg our connection — God Bless!

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Could you explain your use of capital letters in the middle of words emphasizing the letters IN?

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