In complete agreement

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I AM so curious to Know more about whats aLive for you on thIS topic / theme / thread Mary Ann. I alWays value what you share / say!

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Shared birth home/freebirth stories help to rewrite our fears and are valuable. If they were shared on private women only platforms that would be one thing but the fact that they are broadcasted to anyone and everyone lacks wisdom and as you said digital modesty. I’m surprised by Christian participation in this and that husbands allow it… I’ve also noticed how bare all stories and photography are traded for attention and status. How to share births seems to require more reverence and meditation. I don’t judge but I have wondered how I would approach it having noticed what you have. We shall see.

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I AM not that surprised to BE honest with you ... it's One thINg to claim you are a Christian, and it's another to abide IN Christ and to have Christ abide IN you and to act IN accordance with that. People's actions Will reveal to who / what / wHere their HeART's are postured. You will recognize them by their fruits. 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘄 𝟳:𝟭𝟲

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Mar 9Edited

You are so right about the culture of birth stories being shared on social media. And I haven't reflected on it that deeply thus far. Though it also occurs to me that if it wasn't for this sharing other women have done, I would have never known about free birth and felt safe and comfortable to do that myself. I needed to hear all these women's stories to know that I could do it too. So, there is an important positive aspect to this sharing as well. However, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. Dads should not be fumbling with a device when their baby is crowning. Moms should not be birthing on Instagram live. Can we preserve the sacredness of birth while also sharing our stories on platforms where they can reach other women who need to hear them?

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Thank you Ally for BEINg a part of the conversation and for addINg more color to it! Your comment Perfectly encapsulates the complexity of thIS issue.

I WholeHeARTedly agree that tHere IS a BEneficial aspect to sharINg Birth stories on social media IN that it has wider reach, so to speak. Such sharINg has INdeed played a role IN the remembrance and restoration of Biblical (physiological) Birth over the last 5 years especially. The fact that you learned about free Birth through the stories of others and found comfort and confidence IN their story's highLights the positive impact such sharINg can and does have.

ThIS raises a discernINg query: at what poINt does the cost, outWEight the BEnefit?

As you said, tHere IS a lINe that shouldn't BE crossed. However, IN order to not cross said lINe, a lINe must first BE drawn and established.

The balance you're hINtINg at IS a delicate One. It's about fINdINg Ways to share that do not dilute and / or distort the profound INtimacy, INtegrity and INnocence of Birth.

ThIS dilution and / or distortion occurs first and foremost IN the (digitized) documentation IN and of itSelf. BEINg under the watchful eye of a camera INtroduces a foreign element INto what IS INHERently a FAMILIAR space and state. Additionally, the Presence of cameras and the anticipation of an audience INtroduces an undercurrent of stress, as WELL as performance anxiety which INevitably compromises the Natural process and progression of Birth.

Ultimately, the process of (digitized) documentation and subsequent sharINg of these moments withIN digital realms carries with it unseen ramifications for the BIOmechanics of Birth and the INtricate hormonal matrix that governs it, INfluencINg Birth outcomes IN Ways WE do not fully comprehend.

Another stream of consciousness I swam INto upon readINg your comment:

Traditionally, when Birth was a Family-centred event (rather than state-centred), thIS rightful Knowledge was woven INto the very fabric of Families and was shared withIN the sanctity of the Home. WE WEren't dependent on distant strangers, broadcastINg their Birth experiences across the globe through screens; INstead, WE learned directly from our MotHERs and the Women IN our Family. ThIS was a deeply emBodied and experiential form of learnINg, as WE witnessed firsthand the BEaUty, BlessINg and Bounty of Birth through the experiences of our relatives. The Truth IS, tHere's only so much that can BE INtegrated from observINg someOne through a screen. At its core, thIS method of learnINg remaINs a disemBodied experience, lackINg the depth, texture, and profound personal connection and impact that comes from BEINg physically Present and engaged IN the process. The transition from direct, hands-on learnINg withIN the context of Family (or other close CommUNITY) to distant, digital observation marks a significant shift, not only IN how WE acquire Knowledge about Birth but also IN how WE perceive and experience Birth ourSelves.

My compass poINts not towards sharINg these profound INsights with the global (INtangible) village, but with my local (tangible) village.

Can WE embrace the notion that impartINg thIS essential Wisdom to those closest to us — our Family, our friends, our CommUNITY — IS sufficient to sow the Seeds of a Future flourishINg Garden? ThIS question INvites us to hold and have Faith IN the regenerative potential and Power of groundINg our efforts IN the fertile Soil of our immediate ECOsystem, KnowINg that from such Devoted cultivation, a richly abundant harvest can and Will emerge. AMEN!

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We always have a choice and can opt out. I don't have fascistbook or Instagram or twitter etc etc. I do still have YouTube but I also take longs fasts and breaks without it. I go places without even a cell phone, much to the annoyance of friends etc. I lived in an era before any of this even existed, and exist we did hence can exist, and actually flourish amongst a community of people who want to be connected in real time & spece without technology, though finding such people is rare indeed!

And as Godly daughters to our King of Kings we are to be modest and not flaunt ourselves through vanity of taking selfies or imitating or being Luke the world, as it is a work of the carnal flesh, not of the spirit to be a lover of pleasures and of our fallible selves instead of loving and putting & revering our Heavenly father above self. Who has given us the power and ability to make us Godly in Him. Those that are not we are encouraged to turn away from. (2 Tim 3:1-5) The thing is a true holy spirit infilled indwelt reborn new creation in Christ Jesus has been delivered from loving this world , all it's influences, thinkings ways and attitudes of this world (1 John 2, as; We have therefore been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory and power of the Father, we too might walk habitually in newness of life [abandoning our old ways]. Romans 6:4-5 (amp)

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Thank you so much Hephzibah for your share ♥ I resonate deeply. God Bless you!

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