The Future IS Not FemININe
As God IS the AUTHOR of All of His Children, so too are Men AUTHORs of All of their Children. Upon thIS their AUTHORity rests.
Today I Chose to share a musINg that came through, IN spoken Word:
Here IS the transcript for those of you who prefer written Word.
I Pray for a World wHere WE stop solely equating Life to Women.
The SPIRITUAL, BIOLOGICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL TRUTH IS that Men play just as equal of a role IN pro-Creation, co-Creation, the contINuation of Creation and the affirmation of Life.
Without Men, contINual Creation would not BE possible. Just like how it would not BE possible without Women.
You see, The Future IS not FEMININE, it IS FAMILY.
A Faithful and Fruitful Future depends on a Man and a Woman comINg together IN UNION and realizINg their rightful roles and responsibilities IN BEINg caretakers of Life.
Today, I see a fixation on restorINg the MotHER which IS BEaUtiful, alongside complete neglect of restorINg the FatHER, which IS detrimental.
And Here’s what everyOne needs to remember … THE RESTORATION IS MUTUALLY INCLUSIVE.
WE cannot restore the MotHER without restorINg the FatHER and WE cannot restore the FatHER without restorINg the MotHER.
Even IN the story of Mary, The MotHER of Jesus Christ.
Many Women use thIS story as a Way to make claims that Men play no hand IN conception, and tHerefore that Men do not have as valuable, vital and virtuous of a role IN it All.
GOD … DUE TO MARY’S DEVOTION, Planted the Seed that BEstowed upon Her a Son.
The MasculINe animatINg, formINg force and Source IS NECESSARY FOR LIFE.
A Man’s Semen, provides the formative prINciple for Life.
A Man’s Semen, carries a person’s ESSENTIAL IDENTITY.
A Man’s Seed transmits His logos (which IS rational cause) and anima ( “wINd,” “air,” “Breath,” “vital principle,” “animating principle,” “Life,” and / or “Spirit.”) or pneuma (vital heat/animatINg Spirit), for which a Woman’s Body IS the reciever and contaINer.
A Man functions as the active cause of reproduction, and a Woman functions as the provider of the matter to which the Man’s Seed gives form and defINition.
Men are Life-generators.
Women are Life-supporters.
A Man's sperm INitiates the Creation of the Placenta. The Placenta BEINg a prerequisite for sustaINed Life. Just like how God IS a prerequisite for sustaINed Life.
A Man's role (just like the Placenta) IS protective, preservative and proactive; layINg down the physical foundation that literally and metaphorically secures Life. That IS also what and who God IS.
As God IS the AUTHOR of All of His Children, so too are Men AUTHORs of All of their Children. Upon thIS their AUTHORity rests.
Each note I share IS but a sINgle thread IN thIS INtricate tapestry WE're WEavINg together. While my HeART fINds solace IN expressINg, it leaps with anticipation at the prospect of recievINg your resonant expression, Voice and note, which IS vital for the Harmony of the collective Choir of Creation. I INvite and INspire you to share yourSelf IN the comments, so that WE may co-Create a contINual SYMPHONY OF SYNARCHY.
God Bless you, BELoved.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you.