It’s WILD that what I AM about to say / share IS even considered Highly controversial BEcause WELL, it IS immutable (BIOlogical) fact … however, it’s very on brand as I have always BEen Known to ruffle some (ooooookay, realistically … MANY) feathers.
I AM going to BE immensely clear and direct. There Will BE no sugar coating. There Will BE no beatINg around the bush. So buckle the fuuuuuuuck up and INjoy the journey!
No, I Will not use “INclusive” language when it comes to speakINg about topics that are INHERENTLY FEMALE. Topics like menstrual cycles, pregnancy, Birth, MotHERhood and BREASTfeedINg, for example.
As society continues to grapple with “issues” (delusions) surroundINg gender and identity, it IS ESSENTIAL to remember that menstrual cycles, pregnancy, Birth, MotHERhood and BREASTfeedINg are INHERently Female. The biological reality IS that ONLY WOMEN have the God-given reproductive organs, technology and equipment necessary for experiencINg a menstrual cycle, CreatINg, carryINg and BirthINg a Child and BREASTfeedINg. The Female experiences of menstrual cycles, pregnancy, Birth, MotHERhood and BREASTfeedINg cannot BE replicated by someOne who IS not biologically Female. This IS not up for debate.
Women are QUINTESSENTIAL to menstrual cycles. Women are QUINTESSENTIAL to pregnancy. Women are QUINTESSENTIAL to Birth. Women are QUINTESSENTIAL to MotHERhood. Women are QUINTESSENTIAL to BREASTfeedINg.
Any attempts to equate the experiences of “transgender INdividuals” with the REAL AND LIVED experiences OF (biological) WOMEN / menstrual cycles, pregnancy, Birth, MotHERhood and BREASTfeeding IS the Highest form of disrespect IN my personal Truth system.
The INcreasINg use of terms like “bleedINg-person,” “BirthINg person" and / or “chest-feeder,” AMONG MANY OTHERS that I Truthfully cannot keep up with anymore (nor do I Desire to), IN the name of “INclusivity” and diversity IS a literal form of erasure (ohhhhh the irony). By usINg “gender-neutral” language WE are culturally and collectively erasINg the REAL and LIVED experiences of billions of Women and WE undermine the significance of these experiences to Women.
As if the erasure of Women through linguistic mechanisms and the transgender agenda wasn’t enough, technological and medical “advancements” are Now attempting to hijack Birth itSelf. The development of artificial Wombs (also Known as exogenesis) IS just One example of this concernINg trend. While the idea of an artificial Womb has BEen Presented as a soulution to many (MANUFACTURED) problems related to conception, pregnancy and Birth, it also raises a host of ethical concerns. For example, if artificial Wombs WEre to BEcome widespread / common place / common practise, what would BE the implications for Women's (and by extension Men’s) role(s) IN society? Would ORGANIC conception, pregnancy and Birth BEcome obsolete? And what does that mean for society at LARGE?
Moreover, there IS the question of what effect such technology would have on the developing fetus. It goes without saying that an artificial (INorganic) Womb cannot and Will not replace an Organic Womb and cannot and Will not provide the same level of INtegrative care and nourishment as an Organic Womb, which IS Perfectly and impeccably designed by God. Additionally, the use of artificial Wombs Will INevitably lead to further medicalization, pathologizINg and therefore INTERVENTION of conception, pregnancy and Birth, removINg the Natural and INnate physiological process of conception, pregnancy and Birth from the hands of Women and puttINg it entirely INto the hands of a broken and corrupt system that capitalizes on y(our) dependency on it.
All that to say ~ menstrual cycles, pregnancy, Birth, MotHERhood and BREASTfeedINg BELONG TO WOMEN.
While I effort to have an AND orientation to Life rather than an either / or (polarized) orientation to Life … this IS One ABSOLUTE TRUTH that I AM unWilling to forfeit. I Will not adjust or adapt my Truth about thIS.
My Love for & Devocean to the Truth outweighs my fear of offendINg anyOne or BEINg cancelled. A core value of mine IS INTEGRITY (over popularity, BEINg liked, BEINg applauded or BEINg validated by my external environment).
I Will never trade my INtegrity for social currency and social “safety.” I did that for more than half of my Life, and I Will never go back to that place of self-abandonment, self-BEtrayal and self-sabotage again.
God IS with me. I Live for the AUDIENCE OF ONE.
I AM A WOMAN. I have real experience as A WOMAN. I have LIVED experience as A WOMAN. I AM here to Serve and support WOMEN.
Each note I share IS but a sINgle thread IN thIS INtricate tapestry WE're WEavINg together. While my HeART fINds solace IN expressINg, it leaps with anticipation at the prospect of recievINg your resonant expression, Voice and note, which IS vital for the Harmony of the collective Choir of Creation. I INvite and INspire you to share yourSelf IN the comments, so that WE may co-Create a contINual SYMPHONY OF SYNARCHY.
May you continue to BE bathed IN Blessings,
Are you INterested IN supportINg the work God has commissioned me for?
IN Devotion to BEINg of Pure and True Missional and FEMININE Service, I have Chosen to make ALL of The Heavenly HERitage's offerINgs Gratuity-Based (which I go INto IN depth IN The Way of The Gift ECOnomy).
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Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Amen. I hold a similar sentiment. Identify however you want, dress however you want — but you will NEVER share my experience as a woman, no matter how many hormones you take. Saying women and transwomen are the same is to cheapen the WOMAN experience.